Function tokenMetadataRemoveKey

  • Remove a field in a token-metadata account.

    The field can be one of the required fields (name, symbol, URI), or a totally new field denoted by a "key" string.


    • connection: Connection

      Connection to use

    • payer: Signer

      Payer of the transaction fees

    • mint: PublicKey

      Mint Account

    • updateAuthority: PublicKey | Signer

      Update Authority

    • key: string

      Key to remove in the additional metadata portion

    • idempotent: boolean

      When true, instruction will not error if the key does not exist

    • multiSigners: Signer[] = []

      Signing accounts if authority is a multisig

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Options for confirming the transaction

    • programId: PublicKey = TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID

      SPL Token program account

    Returns Promise<TransactionSignature>

    Signature of the confirmed transaction

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