Interface Account

Information about a token account

interface Account {
    address: PublicKey;
    amount: bigint;
    closeAuthority: null | PublicKey;
    delegate: null | PublicKey;
    delegatedAmount: bigint;
    isFrozen: boolean;
    isInitialized: boolean;
    isNative: boolean;
    mint: PublicKey;
    owner: PublicKey;
    rentExemptReserve: null | bigint;
    tlvData: Buffer;


address: PublicKey

Address of the account

amount: bigint

Number of tokens the account holds

closeAuthority: null | PublicKey

Optional authority to close the account

delegate: null | PublicKey

Authority that can transfer tokens from the account

delegatedAmount: bigint

Number of tokens the delegate is authorized to transfer

isFrozen: boolean

True if the account is frozen

isInitialized: boolean

True if the account is initialized

isNative: boolean

True if the account is a native token account

mint: PublicKey

Mint associated with the account

owner: PublicKey

Owner of the account

rentExemptReserve: null | bigint

If the account is a native token account, it must be rent-exempt. The rent-exempt reserve is the amount that must remain in the balance until the account is closed.

tlvData: Buffer

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