Type Alias TransferWithSeedParams

TransferWithSeedParams: {
    basePubkey: PublicKey;
    fromPubkey: PublicKey;
    lamports: number | bigint;
    programId: PublicKey;
    seed: string;
    toPubkey: PublicKey;

Transfer with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the funding account address

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will transfer lamports

  • lamports: number | bigint

    Amount of lamports to transfer

  • programId: PublicKey

    Program id to use to derive the funding account address

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the funding account address

  • toPubkey: PublicKey

    Account that will receive transferred lamports