Type Alias VersionedBlockResponse

VersionedBlockResponse: {
    blockhash: Blockhash;
    blockTime: number | null;
    parentSlot: number;
    previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
    rewards?: {
        commission?: number | null;
        lamports: number;
        postBalance: number | null;
        pubkey: string;
        rewardType: string | null;
    transactions: {
        meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta
        | null;
        transaction: { message: VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] };
        version?: TransactionVersion;

A processed block fetched from the RPC API

Type declaration

  • blockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block

  • blockTime: number | null

    The unix timestamp of when the block was processed

  • parentSlot: number

    Slot index of this block's parent

  • previousBlockhash: Blockhash

    Blockhash of this block's parent

  • Optionalrewards?: {
        commission?: number | null;
        lamports: number;
        postBalance: number | null;
        pubkey: string;
        rewardType: string | null;

    Vector of block rewards

  • transactions: {
        meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
        transaction: { message: VersionedMessage; signatures: string[] };
        version?: TransactionVersion;

    Vector of transactions with status meta and original message